Release Notes

November 27, 2023

This document provides an overview of the November 27, 2023 Karbon API release.

In this release we have added Fee Type and Fee Value on the WorkItems API endpoint - this makes it possible to set, retrieve and update Fee Settings on a WorkItem.

  1. POST WorkItem, PUT WorkItem

  2. GET WorkItem

POST WorkItem and PUT WorkItem


When used with POST and PUT methods, this end point allows you to optionally specify a FeeSettings object where FeeType and FeeValue can be provided.

Valid values for FeeType are TimeAndMaterials, NonBillable or FixedFee

If the FeeType is specified as as TimeAndMaterials or NonBillable then FeeValue must be null.
When FeeType is specified as FixedFee, a numerical value must be provided for FeeValue.

Example use case

You want to create a Work Item to be Fixed Fee and have a value of 1,210.50:

Include the following JSON object in the request payload:

"FeeSettings": { "FeeType": "FixedFee", "FeeValue": 1210.5000 }

Making a POST request to:

GET WorkItem


When used with GET method, this end point will return a FeeSettings object, when FeeSettings have been defined on the Work Item - either through the API of the Karbon UI

Example use case

You want to retrieve a Work Item and it's Fee Settings which were previously defined in the UI in Karbon as Time and Materials{WorkItemkey}

This will return a JSON response with a work item as the payload, including the FeeSettings object:

"FeeSettings": { "FeeType": "TimeAndMaterials", "FeeValue": null }