Release Notes

June 20, 2022

This document provides an overview of the June 20, 2022 release of Karbon's Public API.

In summary, we made changes to the following endpoints:

1) Contacts
2) WorkItems
3) User


The GET method now lets you search for Contacts using only a part of FullName, EmailAddress, or PhoneNumber.

Example use case

You want to search the details of your Contacts whose full name contain the word "Ted". You could construct the GET URL to search the FullName field of your Contacts as:$filter=(contains(FullName, 'Ted'))


The GET method now lets you search for Work Items using only a part of Title or AssigneeEmailAddress.

Example use case

You want to search for all Work Items assigned to email addresses that contain the text "John". You could construct the GET request to search the AssigneeEmailAddress field in your Work Items as:$filter=(contains(AssigneeEmailAddress , 'John'))


The GET method now lets you search for Users using only a part of Name or EmailAddress.

Example use case

You want to search for all users whose name contain the text "John". You could construct the GET URL to search the Name field of your Users as:$filter=(contains(Name, 'John'))