Release Notes

April 26, 2022

High level summary

This document outlines the changes to Karbon's public API as a result of the Karbon release on April 26, 2022.

In summary, the API changes impact only 3 endpoints:

  • ClientRequests

  • ClientTaskComments

  • ClientTasks


  • Use parentheses syntax instead of slash to request a single entity:

    In a previous release of the API, individual entities were requested by slash syntax:

  • The response from this endpoint will now have the same format whether querying it as a collection with $filter parameters or querying an individual client request.

    In particular, the ClientRequestRecipientKey property will now appear as a member of the Recipient property regardless of whether the endpoint was accessed as a collection or a single entity.

    In a previous release of the API, the ClientRequestRecipientKey appeared at the root level when accessing the endpoint as a collection.

  • It is now possible to search for client requests with a given ClientRequestRecipientKey with a $filter parameter using a new property path:
    /v3/ClientRequests/?$filter=Recipient/ClientRequestRecipientKey eq 'ABC123'

ClientTaskComments, ClientTasks

  • Use parentheses syntax instead of slash to request a single entity. This applies to all verbs already supported by these endpoints (GET and PATCH for ClientTasks; GET, POST, PATCH, and DELETE for ClientTaskComments).

    In a previous release of the API, individual entities were requested by slash syntax: