Release Notes

Aug 2, 2022

This document provides an overview of the Aug 2, 2022 release of Karbon's Public API.

In summary, we made changes to the following endpoints:

1) GET Organization by OrganizationKey


In addition to BusinessCards property, we have also added a new property - Contacts - to the $expand option in GET by OrganizationKey endpoint. Using the new property, you can receive a list of Contacts associated with the Organization specified using the OrganizationKey.

Example use case

You want to retrieve a list of contacts associated with an Organization. To receive these Contacts, use GET method on the URL as:{OrganizationKey}?$expand=Contacts

You might also want to retrieve a list of both contacts and business cards associated with an Organization. To receive Contacts and BusinessCards at the same time, use GET method on the URL as:{OrganizationKey}?$expand=Contacts,BusinessCards